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Lasting healing comes from being curious rather than controlling, from mercy rather than manipulation, from responding rather than reacting. It is about opening what has been closed, reclaiming what has been hidden, and remembering what has been forgotten.


It’s my belief that we’re energetic beings, on a journey. Seeing the path ahead clearly, means traveling within and illuminating our truth. To receive the benefits of subtle energetic wisdom, healing, recalibration, and reflection is vital. I foster better alignment through a variety of services.



Reiki, Sound Healing, Crystal Consultations, and multi-modality work have the unique ability to heal us on a cellular level. Every tradition in the world employs sound in some form or another, whether it be musical instruments, mantras, chants or simply the sound of our voices in prayer. Research shows that sound vibrations can reprogram DNA, improve social communication in children with Autism, improve pulmonary function and more. New research into dementia and Alzheimers suggests that certain sound and light frequencies can reverse the effects of these diseases. And on a more quotidian level, vibrational healing is being recognized for its rebalancing, calming, stress reducing and in some cases even mind-altering benefits.


I’m on a constant search for knowledge, as curiosity is my addiction. Be it in leadership, collaboration or active-listening mode, your clarity is my goal. Education is shared periodically on my journal, and more often in conversation. At trade shows, retreats, or private consults—both virtual and IRL—wisdom, revelations, education, and resources are freely exchanged in the spirit of greater expansion.


Curious about who I am? You’ll find more here →