Palm Stones

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Palm Stones

from $5.00

Palm Stones are excellent stones for meditation or visualization practices. They are stones tumbled and polished in an oval shape and fit comfortably in the palm of your hand. The regular sized Palms Stones average around 2.5" x 2" and the mini Palm Stones are 2"x 1.5". The following stones are available as Palm Stones:

Apatite- Another third eye stone, Apatite is a stone of inspiration, visions, and psychic protection. An excellent tool for dream work and meditation. Apatite is also beneficial to those who suffer from eye issues or headaches due to constant computer useage.

Black Tourmaline- One of the premier protection stones. Black Tourmaline is also an excellent grounding stone and perfect for those that need calming due to stressful lifestyles. It doesn’t just dispel negative energy, it has the ability to transmute them into useable beneficial energies. These are beautifully polished stones, many with inclusions of Rose Quartz or Clear Quartz.

Carnelian- Action! Carnelian is a stone of just that. It stimulates the first three chakras which deal with creativity, security, sexuality, sense of self, and groundedness. It is an excellent stone for anyone dealing with issues of self esteem, lack of passion, or courage. It can be used to improve the overall healing of the testes and ovaries. These vary in color from dark orange/red to creamy browns and yellows.

Garnet- A root and heart chakra stone that connects us to the grounding influences of the Earth and the loving of the heart. Garnet lends us a feeling of physical security and a sense of Earthly support. It is a stone of youthfulness and physical love, and therefore a good stone for romantic relationships.  It also aids the recuperation process after surgery or injury.

Grossular Green Garnet A heart and solar plexus crystal that heals all things on the physical level. Grossular Garnet encourages prosperity, achievement, regeneration and connection to nature. It is beneficial to anyone with financial worries or anxiety and aids in making things happen by boosting our resolve and energy.

Indigo Gabbro Also known as Merlinite, a stone of magic, intuition, past life connections and Shamanism. It helps us to see into the dark and reconcile the past. As a stone for mediumship and psychic explorations, it also protects us on those paths, shielding us from negative energies. It helps us to reconcile grief, shame and loss.

Labradorite- Think magic, ritual work, higher awareness. Labradorite aids in self discovery that allows us to see the infinite possibilities with an inspired inner eye. It is a powerful stone for use in any Shamanic work.

Mangano Calcite: A heart and fire element stone, Mangano Calcite is a stone of Motherly love. It helps to combat stress, fear, worry, grief, and anger. It comforts our inner child and helps us to open to love from ourselves and others as well as cultivate a healthy sense of self worth.

Moonstone- One of the Goddess stones which enhances our intuition and psychic abilities. Moonstone is beneficial in all stages of the female hormone cycles. It is also referred to as the High Priestess or Earth Mother stone. When used by men it connects them more clearly to their feminine nature and emotions.

Peach Moonstone One of the Goddess stones which enhances our intuition and psychic abilities. Moonstone is beneficial in all stages of the female hormone cycles. It is also referred to as the High Priestess or Earth Mother stone. When used by men it connects them more clearly to their feminine nature and emotions. Peach moonstone is a soothing stone perfect for sensitive children, and teaches us to appreciate life’s positives.

Black Moonstone One of the Goddess stones which enhances our intuition and psychic abilities. Moonstone is beneficial in all stages of the female hormone cycles. It is also referred to as the High Priestess or Earth Mother stone. When used by men it connects them more clearly to their feminine nature and emotions. Black Moonstones are intention magnifiers, carrying the power of the new moon and perfect for Shamanic work.

Moss Agate- Another heart chakra stone, Moss Agate is also an earth energy stone which enhances our connections to the natural spirits. It is a slow, steady stabilizing stone.  It is known as a stone of abundance, and said to literally make our gardens grow. 

Nuummite: Authentic Nuummite is found only in Greenland and is one of the most ancient stones known to us. It is unparalleled in overcoming victim mentality, or perceived weakness and brokenness in ourselves. Nuummite is a powerful Shamanic stone as it allows us to access the deepest realms of the psyche, coming face to face with the shadow self and clearly exposing our gifts and talents, leaving us no excuse for self doubt. It connects us deeply to the ancient magic of the earth, affecting the third eye, solar plexus and root chakras. These are beautiful black stones with specks of silver.

Obsidian, Black A root chakra and grounding stone, Black obsidian is a powerhouse of a purifier.  It will expose negative energies in others, your environment and yourself. If you need to see your negative traits objectively this is your stone. It is also highly protective, creating a protective bubble around you.

Obsidian, Golden Sheen A root chakra and grounding stone, as with Black obsidian it is highly protective but also a solar plexus stone which with the power of the sun in its sheen, will illuminate your hidden talents, address issues of personal power and aid in any earth healing work you might undertake. Just as the name suggests, these are black with iridescent gold patterning.

Polychrome Jasper- A super nurturer that supports us in stressful situations and absorbs negative energies. Polychrome Jasper is a great stone to have in a stressful work environment as it encourages determination, focus, strength and motivation while being calming at the same time.

Preseli Bluestone These rare stones come from Wales and are the same stones used in Stonehenge. They are ancient repositories of knowledge and healing best worked with for Shamanic journeys, ritual work, earth healing, and connecting to other planes and levels of consciousness. They are strong earth energy stones. These stones are actually more of a dark green with ivory inclusions.

Rhodochrosite- The Inner Child Healer. Rhodochrosite is a heart and solar plexus stone governing courage, passion, sex, and creativity. It is unrivaled as an aid in recovery from emotional and physical trauma. It links the lower and upper chakras, allowing for a harmonious flow of energy; opening the heart to joy and expression when it has been sealed off for a time. It is an anti-anxiety stone and aids circulation.

Rose Quartz- The poster child of love. Rose Quartz addresses love in its many forms; self love, romantic love, love of the earth... This heart chakra stone helps us to release past injuries and pain that have led to damaging patterns. It is a soothing but powerful tonic for anything related to emotions.

Scolecite A gentle stone that soothes our chaotic emotions and promotes inner peace. It is useful for dream work or meditation practices as it opens the crown chakra while simultaneously stimulating the heart chakra. Scolecite helps with stress, worry, anxiety and emotional instability.

Selenite- A stone of pure spiritual energy and purification. Selenite is linked to the moon and the development of the feminine essence. It dissolves energy blockages and wards off stagnation on all levels. This includes the effects of aging. It is an intense third eye and crown chakra stone. Selenite is one of the softer stones and should be kept dry.  

Shungite- This black stone comes from Russia and is known as a purifier, of not just energies but water. When it comes to protection from negativity and “clearing the air” this is my go to due to its soft nature.  Shungite works within and without to clear negativity from the cellular level outward. 

The crystals shown are an accurate representation of the stones you will receive, not necessarily the actual stones. Your stones may vary slightly in color, shape, size and pattern.

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