Goddess Stone


Goddess Stone

from $8.00

Goddess Stone (or Menilite) forms naturally into these organic, undulating shapes. They are remarkable stones not only for their beauty but for the feminine balancing energy they possess. Goddess stones tap into the energy of the Goddess and aid women in all of the female transitions starting at puberty, through menopause and old age. They bring the energy of the Goddess to us as a companion on the path and are said to choose us instead of the other way around.

Goddess stones are also excellent meditation stones and aids to Shamanic journeying. They remind us of our roots and connect us with the Goddess within, bringing positivity and lightness.

The crystals shown are an accurate representation of the stones you will receive, not necessarily the actual stones. Your stones may vary slightly in color, shape, size and pattern.

The Small average .5” in length
The Medium average 1.5" in length
The Large average 2.75" in length

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